How To Spend Time With Yourself

Have you ever felt like you desperately need alone time...

But when it comes to being alone, you feel anxious?

You don't know how to spend time with yourself, and maybe you're even afraid to be alone with your thoughts. Many of my clients would share how hard it is to enjoy their alone time.

They feel they’d rather be around people fixing their problems while closing their eyes on their wounds.

I've been there. It's prevalent for empaths to do that. I'm still learning how to embrace my alone time.

As a spiritual leader, I know that my ideas are born in that quiet space.

But the moment I would get my divine downloads, I would run back to my family and my children to make sure their needs are met.

This is what I call an empathetic codependency syndrome.

Many times empaths would sacrifice their well-being to help someone else. 

But that desire is not aligned with who you are. That's why you keep feeling depleted. And often, your help or advice is not taken seriously. 

When we recharge and connect, we gain confidence, clarity, and a little bit of badassness, if you will. 

But how do we spend time with ourselves as empaths?

I have five tips for you to help enjoy alone time and get fully energized.

  1. Recognize your fears. This step is crucial. Be honest with yourself. Are you afraid of spending time alone? Do any triggers come to play?

  2. Journal your feelings. Journaling can be the best form of communication with yourself. Be open and honest.

  3. Nurture yourself. Make a cup of your favorite decaf tea, grab your favorite chocolate, and spend time reading an uplifting book or a magazine. Light a candle, turn up healing tunes (you can find many of youtube) to create an ambiance for your mood, body, and soul. 

  4. After you settle in being by yourself without distractions of your phone, watch an uplifting movie that can make you smile or laugh.

  5. Take long, deep breaths to experience what your energy feels like when no one is around. This will help you recognize your energy around other people. You can also journal what it feels like to be by yourself. As you practice this consistently, you will be a more empowered and unshakable empath.

I'd like to hear from you. Were these tips helpful?

Are you enjoying your alone time?

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